Golf Course Communitites & Real Estate

PGA West Stadium Course -- The Hardest Examination You'll Ever Love
By Jeffrey A. Rendall, Photos by Scot Rendall... LA QUINTA, CA – It isn’t often you walk off a golf course having struggled mightily and subsequently learn your troubles were exactly what the owners had planned from the beginning, but it’s not every day you see a layout like the PGA...

Wintergreen Resort -- Fostering the Golfing Family
By Jeffrey A. Rendall, photos by Jeffrey A. Rendall and family... WINTERGREEN, VA – Everyone knows golf is a terrific way to spend time with friends and colleagues, but rarely is it mentioned as the means to get in quality hours with your family.... The good folks at Wintergreen Resort are intent...

The Oconee Course at Reynolds Lake Oconee - Golf's Hippocratic Oath taken to its logical extreme
By Jeffrey A. Rendall, Photos by Matthew Rendall... GREENSBORO, GA – When a medical student is ready to embark on a career as a physician, he or she must first take the Hippocratic oath, which originated in ancient Greece and roughly translated today means “First, do no harm.”... As far as I...

The Landing Course at Reynolds Lake Oconee -- Bob Cupp's legacy, memorable golf and the buck that got away
By Jeffrey A. Rendall, Photos by Amanda Rendall... GREENSBORO, GA – “Gus didn’t make it to work the next day…. Or the day after. He was laid up for about a week with multiple scrapes and contusions and at least one puncture wound and three broken ribs,” remarked Bobby Cupp, son...